You are 24 weeks today and according to my app you're the size of a large zucchini. I can believe this, not so much because I feel huge but because you are VERY ACTIVE. Maybe we should start calling you the dancing zucchini or something... every week you surprise me by amping up the movement even more.
I went to see Oprah last fall. She's a big inspiration of mine... and one of the activities she led was an exercise in assessing different areas of your life. Long story short, I rated "home" pretty low. I wasn't feeling so great about our space, felt disconnected from the town we live in and generally felt like "home" was something that couldn't exist for me in California. Oprah said that doing one thing each day towards an area of your life that needs improvement would completely change your opinion of it within a year. I decided to light a candle once a day, a small gesture that I hoped would make our space feel more like a home.
Well! It has totally worked! We started doing candle baths with Noah, recently started lighting a candle or two at dinner and sometimes I choose to light the candle of the day while I'm cooking. But that's not all! We've spent more time outside, started weekly trips to the market and we've attended our first sports game in the U Cal campus. I really do feel a sense of "home" here in our house now! This was also helped by a huge purge I did around the new year where I got rid of clutter and a ton of stuff. Our space feels cleaner, clearer and more intentional.
Then tonight, for the third or fourth Friday in a row, I baked a half batch of cookies while Daddy put Noah to bed and we ate some while we watched tv. Homemade cookies have made as much of a "home" vibe as the candles did and I guess I'm telling you all of this because I do feel like you're going to feel at home here. I feel like a good mom for taking steps to make us all feel more comfortable in our space and Oprah was right, a bit of effort goes a very long way.
There you are kicking again. I love you, little guy! Can't wait til you call this house home too.
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