Thursday, July 2, 2015



I stayed off my phone for the entire day. I was not in a good place when I woke up. I had 13 text messages from friends and family about where you're at. Every time I leave the house to walk, neighbors pop out their windows to say "haven't you had that baby yet?!" Even the guys painting the house next door are shocked to see me still pregnant.

And frankly, I just didn't want to talk to anyone abut it today. So I helped your Aunt Kiki with wedding planning all morning (which made me feel very helpful and productive). Then I had acupuncture and then Kiki and Uncle Andrew stayed for dinner in case you came out this evening. 

So here's the deal. Tomorrow we start tests at the hospital to make sure you're alright. And tomorrow is the day we pull out all the stops, every natural way to get you heading into our arms. But like Daddy and I told you this afternoon, you can only choose your birthday to a point. And then we need to choose it for you.

So let's hope this is your last night in utero. We gotta get a move on, kiddo. 


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