Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Hi Little D,

I'm no great cook, but I'm getting better. One of the most surprising things for me was realizing that getting married and becoming a mom did not grace me with sudden chef skills. Cooking for a family has been, for the most part, kind of a slog.

But I'm happy to report that I'm getting mildly better at it, a fact that has less to do with my talent for it and more to do with the number of times I've done it at this point. There's a thinker and writer called Malcolm Gladwell who writes about the 10,000 hours theory. In it he says that spending 10,000 hours at anything will make you an expert. 

Now 10,000 hours is a long time. I'm not sure if I have ANYTHING in my life that I've done for that long (maybe talking to people...). But what I take from his point is that getting better at something has a lot to do with trying it over and over and over and over. It's just sheer willpower and brute repetition.

How magical to know that you could get better at ANYTHING, simply by doing it.


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