This morning I met your Aunt Kate in the city to do some dress shopping. We got lunch together afterwards, which was really a treat since she is usually so busy with school (and me with work and Noah) that we rarely have time together.
After we finished eating, I went to use the bathroom and a woman stopped me just inside the door.
"Are you two sisters?" she asked. I nodded. "You seem like you're having the best time together," she said and went on her way.
Well that made me feel great! And later I thought about how you and Noah might act one day, one of you preparing for a wedding. My greatest hope is that you will have the kind of friendship with your brother that I've had with my siblings. I can't imagine life without them, truly.
Once a while back I realized that siblings are the only people you know for your whole life. Your parents start life with you, of course, but often leave the world before you do. Your spouse or partner is someone you meet once you're older and have some years under your belt. But siblings are there the whole time, from childhood to old age. Appreciate your brother, sweet pea, because he's the best gift we could ever give you.
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