Tuesday, April 14, 2015


Hello little one,

I'm reading a book about a woman who is pregnant with her second kiddo and it's making me laugh. It's a memoir of sorts; her first son is about Noah's age and I recognize our days so much in her writing. 

She writes about all the people who tell you how much work two kids is (compared to one) and I hear her! Lots of people say this. "The transition from one to two is like one to ten!" someone told me the other day, "but then after two it's all the same."


This reminds me of everyone who says "they grow up so fast." I secretly want to knock these people in the teeth. While I do agree that your brother is now very much a little boy compared to the baby he was for so long, this isn't unwelcome or unexpected! We spend a lot of time together and it's inspiring to watch him grow. When people tell me how fast it goes, I must bite my tongue and resist telling them that it sounds like they need a new, fun project to focus on.

Because my love, maybe this is because I'm not an old lady yet, but I just really believe all periods of your life can be wonderful. Equally, they can all be disasters. I believe it's your choice to put something challenging in front of yourself and tackle it if you're hungry for it. Raising kids is awesome, but so is running a business and writing a book and finding a new purpose once you're retired. The renewal of projects across a lifetime is inspiring and reassuring to me... there will always be something that needs you if you look hard enough.

And even when you boys are out of the house and exploring the world on your own, Daddy and I will find lots to amuse ourselves. It's just our way. And it doesn't mean I don't love you, it just means that I love life too.


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