The only thing I want to tell you tonight is that who you spend your time with matters! For your whole life, I hope you optimize your time so that you're around positive, hopeful and inspiring people instead of those who you feel you owe something. (Social rules be damned!) We are the only ones who can allow others into our headspaces... so choose the best people possible and spend the most time with them you can.
This also goes for what you read, what you tweet, anything you spend your time on. It will slowly make you who you are... so always look for the best and be strict about it. I rarely read the news and consume a tiny percent of what's going around social media because it's so dramatic and awful. One of the last things I do at night is to spend time listing out things I'm grateful for and reading inspiring stories on Reddit. You can't have bad dreams after that! (Or, at least, they are few and far between!)
Look out for yourself. I'll always support you in this.
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