Friday, April 3, 2015


Hello little Diggy-Dig,

Names! Daddy and I are thinking about your name a lot lately. We've got your first name pretty nailed down but are brainstorming a middle name these days. 

I always loved the idea of connecting you to my side of the family via your middle name. Since you get Daddy's last name, it seems only fair that one of you kiddos get something from my family tree. But this is proving harder than anticipated since your first name isn't matching well with some of the contenders I'd always thought could work.

We are also considering a middle name that uses one of my initials (since your brother got Daddy's middle name wholesale). And I have been watching so many historical documentaries that you're lucky if you escape without Washington or Liberty Bell for a middle name!

Your Nana and Pop-Pop used to be really interested in genealogy and they did lots of research about both sides of my family before I was born. I remember flipping through the family tree and copies of birth certificates along the way, seeing how names connected one branch to the next generation. I guess I've always liked the story that was told on paper, without any interviews or journals we could see how the family gifted their legacy to new babies as they joined the family. It's what I have in mind when I think about your middle name, a way to connect you with your past in the simplest way I can. We'll see what we end up with... I suppose we can always go with "Oprah" in a pinch! 


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